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Goals, Background and Rationale: The Campaign to Elect a Woman UN Secretary-General

Goals, Background and Rationale: The Campaign to Elect a Woman UN Secretary-General

Campaign goals:

  • Advocate for a woman as the next Secretary-General and make the selection of a woman inevitable

  • Support the selection process by contributing to the identification of the best possible female candidates

  • Support all qualified women candidates

  • Promote transparency in the selection process

  • Involve governments and civil society in the search and selection

We have reached the 79th session of the United Nations, signifying a lifetime of work for the Organization. This landmark offers a pivotal point to launch the birth of a new lifetime to address the evolving global challenges. Leadership plays an important role in this paradigm shift. The nine heads of the Organization so far have represented multiple regions of the world, but no woman has yet held this top position. Women make up half the world's population and it is time that a woman is represented as Secretary-General. The preamble to the UN Charter calls on the “Peoples of the United Nations” to uphold the “equal rights of men and women”; Article One repeats this mantra by linking “international cooperation ”with “respect for human rights and the fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.” It is time we honor these words that the founders carefully drafted in their vision for a peaceful world. The UN is a79 years old; that is a lifetime. Let us make sure that in the next lifetime of the UN, its leadership includes women of merit and nerve, supportive of women’s issues through a feminist approach, and a woman who is significantly gifted to make the UN work asthe founders anticipated. It’s time!


  • Demonstrated experience at the multilateral level. 

  • Commitment to the goals of the UN, including peace, security, human rights, and humanitarian approaches to development and peacebuilding

  • Commitment to the support of women’s issues, utilizing a feminist lens

  • Charismatic with speaking and language skills that communicate strongly and effectively with Member States, the media, and the public. 

  • Intelligent, self-confident, with a history of personal integrity

  • Committed to moral leadership and providing a moral compass for the Organization.

  • Transparent, open to working with a diverse global populous, and seeking balance by including all voices.

  •  Must demonstrate a strong sense of leadership

Qualities and characteristics we would be looking for in an SG:

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